Mediix | Healthcare Recruitment Agency Australia

Your career partner
in healthcare

Recruiting for permanent, temporary, 

locum and telehealth roles across Australia

Medical & Allied Health

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Mediix pride themselves on exceptional recruitment services and would be more than happy to help you find the right candidates for your company.


Once you submit your job vacancy, one of our recruitment specialists will contact you within the next 24 hours to discuss your requirements in detail.

Who we assist in finding jobs:

Allied Health Professionals

Exercise Physiologists
Occupational Therapists
Speech Therapists
Social workers


General Practice
ICU & Anaesthetics
General Medicine 

including all sub-specialities
Emergency Medicine

Nursing Professionals

Registered Nurses
Nurse Practitioners

At Mediix, we specialise in permanent recruitment while also offering flexible working arrangements, including locum, temporary, and telehealth roles.

We provide personalised support throughout every step of your job search. From optimising your CV and submitting your CV to arranging interviews, negotiating salary and relocation packages, and coordinating travel plans, we’re here to streamline the process at no cost to you.

We can also assist with completing AHPRA documentation, ensuring a smooth transition. Our goal is to present you with a range of job opportunities — many of which are unadvertised — making your job search as seamless and stress-free as possible.

This way, you can focus on what truly matters: delivering exceptional care to your patients.

Who we recruit for..

Private and Public Hospitals
Private Clinics
Telehealth and Mental Health Services
Aged Care Facilities
Not-for-Profit Organisations
After-Hours Medical Centres
Urgent Care Centres
Corporate Clients

Expedited Specialist Pathway for GPs from UK, Ireland and New Zealand

The Expedited Specialist Pathway (ESP), launched by AHPRA on October 21, 2024, is a fast-track route for Specialist International Medical Graduates seeking to practice in Australia. It simplifies the registration process for doctors with recognised general practice qualifications, enabling them to start working more quickly while meeting Australian healthcare standards.


This pathway is currently open to specialist GPs holding one of the following qualifications:


- United Kingdom: Membership of the Royal College of General Practitioners (MRCGP) with a Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT) from 2007 onwards.

- Ireland: Membership of the Irish College of General Practitioners (MICGP) with a Certificate of Satisfactory Completion of Specialist Training (CSCST) from 2009 onwards.

- New Zealand: Fellowship of the Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners (FRNZCGP) from 2012 onwards.


Additional specialties, including anaesthetics, obstetrics and gynaecology, and psychiatry, have been added to the pathway from December 2024.

- Reduced time to registration: The pathway shortens the process from the traditional 9-12 months (under the RACGP PEP Specialist Pathway) to 4-6 months.

- Lower cost: Applicants save up to AUD 10,000 by avoiding assessments by RACGP or ACRRM.

- Streamlined process: Bypasses college assessments and enables direct application for Specialist Registration.


- No automatic Fellowship: Completing this pathway does not grant Fellowship with RACGP (FRACGP) or ACRRM (FACRRM).

- Additional paperwork: Supervision requirements and reports may involve a lot of paperwork.

  1. Verification:Apply to the Australian Medical Council (AMC) and EPIC (ECFMG) for verification of qualifications and check your English language requirements.


  1. Specialist Registration Application:Apply to AHPRA for Specialist Registration.

Ensure you have a valid job offer before applying (timeframe: 4-6 weeks, cost: AUD $2,504 - $2,575). You are required to have all supporting documents translated into English and certified in line with AHPRA's guidelines.


You may need to update your CV into an AHPRA-approved format as part of your application.


Supporting documents may include:

    - Certified copy of current passport

    - Certified copies of two Category C identity documents

    - Certified copy of primary medical degree certificate

    - Certified copy of your original academic transcript

    - Certified copy of accepted specialist qualification (and completion certificate)

    - Supervision plan

    - Current CV

    - Certified copy of English language test

    - International Criminal History Checks (ICHCs) for every country you have lived in for 6 months or more since your 18th birthday

    - Certificate of Good Standing (CoGS) or Certificate of Registration Status (CoRS) for every country you have worked in or been registered to practice during the past 10 years


  1. Visa Application:Apply for a work visa (timeframe: 4 - 12 weeks depending on circumstances, cost: to be discussed with your migration lawyer).

The primary method for doctors to migrate to Australia is via the medium-term stream (2-4 years) Temporary Skill Shortage Visa (subclass 482), which requires sponsorship from an Australian medical practice.

Visa nomination costs are covered by your sponsoring medical clinic.

Visa application costs are covered by the applicant and vary depending on the family members travelling with you.


  1. Medicare Provider and Prescriber Numbers:All Medical Practitioners require a Medicare Prescriber Number to prescribe medications to patients through the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme. Medical Practitioners also require a Medicare Provider Number to see, treat, bill, order diagnostic testing, and refer patients to allied health or specialist services. Timeframe: up to 6 weeks, no cost.
  1. Complete 6 months of supervised practice, including orientation to the Australian healthcare system.

    Submit supervision reports after 3 and 6 months.

    Complete workplace-based assessments and cultural safety training.


    Supervision Requirements:

    - Supervision can be direct, indirect, or remote, depending on the proposed plan.

    - Supervisors must hold Specialist Registration as a GP and be a Fellow of RACGP or ACRRM.

    - Practices are responsible for organising supervision and submitting detailed supervision plans to AHPRA.

  1. - 10 Year Moratorium: All overseas-trained doctors are subject to the 10-year moratorium and restricted to working in a priority location classified as Distribution Priority Area (DPA).


    - Distribution Priority Area (DPA): DPA classification highlights regions in Australia where there is a shortage of General Practitioner services. IMGs must work in a DPA location to meet the eligibility criteria to access Medicare services.

    All Expedited Specialist Pathway GPs can work in any MM1-MM7 location classified as DPA.

    FRNZCGPs who were permanent residents or citizens when enrolling for their NZ medical degree may be exempt from the moratorium and also eligible to consider non-DPA work locations.


    - How to obtain Fellowship: You must apply to the specialist college for assessment and complete any college requirements before your Fellowship certificate can be issued. It is possible to obtain AHPRA registration via the Expedited Specialist Pathway and apply to the RACGP to complete the PEP Specialist Program requirements at the same time.


    - CPD Requirements: Doctors must complete 50 CPD hours annually for registration renewal.

  1. - If you are early in your RACGP PEP application process, consider switching to this pathway for faster registration.

    - If you are advanced in your PEP application, staying on that pathway might offer greater certainty and Fellowship benefits.

    - For those already working in Australia, this pathway is ideal for gaining Specialist Registration more efficiently.


  1. - Free 30-minute consultations with migration lawyers are available for doctors who work with Mediix Recruitment.

    - Practices and recruitment services are offering guidance on supervision arrangements and paperwork.

All services provided by Mediix Recruitment are at no cost to GPs.

Fast Track Pathway – Psychiatry and Anaesthesia


The Medical Board of Australia has expanded the Expedited Specialist Pathway to include eligible internationally qualified Psychiatrists and Anaesthetists. 

If you have a qualification on this list, and meet other specialist registration requirements, you can apply directly to AHPRA for specialist registration.


The current specialties on the list are:

  • Anaesthesia
  • Psychiatry
  • General Practice (read separate article on main page)


The priority specialties and sub-specialities next to be considered are:

  • Obstetrics & Gynaecology
  • Radiology 
  • General Medicine
  • General Paediatrics



Regulatory authority:

Medical Council of Ireland (MCI)


Fellowship of the College of Anaesthesiologists of Ireland (or as previously named, the College of Anaesthetists of Ireland) (FCAI), together with a Certificate of Satisfactory Completion of Specialist Training (CSCST).

Awarding body:

College of Anaesthesiologists of Ireland (CAI), or as previously named, the College of Anaesthetists of Ireland.

Qualification and training specifications:

Qualification awarded under any CAI curriculum from July 2012, to date following satisfactory completion of a Specialist Anaesthesiology Training Programme (SAT) in Ireland

Additional evidence required:

  • Fellowship of the College of Anaesthesiologists of Ireland issued from July 2012
  • Certificate of Satisfactory Completion of Specialist Training (CSCST) issued by the CAI
  • The Board may request additional information to confirm that the qualifications meet the Boards requirements. Ahpra will advise applicants if this is required.

Note: Completion of the Effective Management of Anaesthetic Crisis (EMAC) course as recommended by the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists will be a requirement of registration. Courses are available on the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists website 




Regulatory authority:

General Medical Council (GMC)


Fellowship of the Royal College of Anaesthetists (RCA), together with a Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT).

Awarding bodies:

  • Royal College of Anaesthetists (RCoA)
  • Pre-2010 CCT awarded by the Postgraduate Medical Education and Training Board
  • Post-2010 CCT awarded by the General Medical Council of the United Kingdom.

Qualification specifications:

The qualification awarded under any RCoA curriculum from August 2007, following satisfactory completion of a General Medical Council or Postgraduate Medical Education and Training Board, approved specialist training program in the United Kingdom, and award of the CCT.

Additional evidence required:

  • Fellowship of the Royal College of Anaesthetists (FRCA) issued from August 2007
  • Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT) awarded by the GMC or the Postgraduate Medical Education and Training Board
  • Confirmation of Specialist training from the GMC (see Confirmation of UK training and acquired rights)
  • The Board may request additional information to confirm that the qualifications meet the Boards requirements. Ahpra will advise applicants if this is required.

Note: Completion of the Effective Management of Anaesthetic Crisis (EMAC) course as recommended by the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists will be a requirement of registration. Courses are available on the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists website 



Regulatory authority:

General Medical Council (GMC)


Membership of the Royal College of Psychiatrists (RCPsych), together with a Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT)

Awarding bodies:

  • Royal College of Psychiatrists (RCPsych)
  • Pre-2010 CCT awarded by the Postgraduate Medical Education and Training Board
  • Post-2010 CCT awarded by the General Medical Council of the United Kingdom

Qualification specifications:

Qualification awarded under any RCPsych curriculum from August 2007 following satisfactory completion of a General Medical Council or Postgraduate Medical Education and Training Board approved specialty training program in psychiatry in the United Kingdom.

Additional evidence required:

  • Membership of the Royal College of Psychiatrists (RCPsych)
  • Confirmation of Specialist training from the GMC (see Confirmation of UK training and acquired rights).
  • Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT)
  • The Board may request additional information to confirm that the qualifications meet the Boards requirements. Ahpra will advise applicants if this is required.


If you’re a Psychiatrist or Anaesthetist considering a move to Australia, we’d love to hear from you.

Our team can provide you with all the information you need to make an informed decision and present to you a range of both advertised and unadvertised positions currently available.

Outstanding earning potential: Up to AUD $650k annually (based on experience and location)

Relocation support
: Assistance with moving and accommodation

Work-life balance:
 Flexible schedules and generous leave entitlements, including conference leave and professional development opportunities

Breathtaking destinations
: Work in stunning locations that match your lifestyle

If you would like to schedule a call with us or email us some questions please feel free to reach out to Anna at


All services provided by Mediix Recruitment are at no cost to doctors.

Expedited Pathway for Psychiatrists and Anaesthetists from UK, Ireland and New Zealand